Try refreshing the page. The payment status may not have been loaded. Make sure that the payment was successful, there were no errors and you paid for the post or a bunch of posts that you are requesting now. If the problem persists, contact support.
There is no personal account on the site. Payment is attached to the link to your post. The contest can be opened and run from any device, just insert a link to the post. If you are afraid that someone will upload the collected data, archive the contest post, or write to support, we will remove the payment from this post.
Please read the information under the button to start the draw, or the instruction about the 5th step. The service selects new winners only when the conditions and balance have changed and the selected results have become irrelevant (new participants, comments, likes have appeared).
Instagram is very careful about all its data and therefore links to images may become outdated. Accordingly, the images are no longer displayed. In addition to your convenience, this does not affect the operation of the service.